Kristen Dolan, who for the past decade has served in a variety of roles in the local non-profit and broadcasting sectors, will join La Quinta Arts Foundation (LQAF) as its managing director effective August 9, 2021. In this new role Dolan will oversee daily operations and help develop and implement new program initiatives to promote art and culture in the Coachella Valley.

Originally from Pennsylvania, the Nova Southeastern University graduate started her career there as morning show co-host, news reporter with Nassau Broadcasting. She performed similar roles in Miami, Florida before relocating to Coachella Valley in 2010. Since then, she has been active in a number of local nonprofit organizations including Operation Safehouse, One Future Coachella Valley, and most recently as Director of External Affairs at United Way of the Desert.

Dolan is anxious to continue and expand the good work and goodwill LQAF has created over their 39 years in service to the valley. Using her skills in broadcast communications and digital marketing as well as her nonprofit sector management experience, she brings a unique blend of expertise to LQAF as it looks to address future needs and opportunities for the valley’s creative economy.

“Talented, driven, and with a deep professional network across multiple sectors, Kristen is the perfect addition to help fulfill LQAF’s plans for the future,” said Christi Salamone, who will continue as the organization’s President and CEO.