Dear LQAF,
“Just writing again to update you on my semester abroad.
Its been a whilrwind experience, I can hardly believe I only have 2 weeks left in Italy. This past long weekend I visited Paris, France where I spent hours in the Louve as well as the multitude of museums Paris has to offer. The overall appreciation for the arts was overwhelming as well as inspiring. From the Mona Lisa to the graffiti in the metro, the city gave off this high artistic energy. Since I last wrote Ive also been to Venice, which was a piece of art in itself, I was obsessed with the water flowing through the city, although I was only there for one night, our program organized walking tours through the Jewish ghetto and the palace. On our own we visited a museum that had the first ever pleated dress. In my painting class we are currently working on self portraits and final projects, I will attach some in progress pictures. And I am thankful for the support of LQAF every day for helping contribute financially , for without foundations with appreciation for the arts, I would not be here.”
Sarah Murphy
Sarah Murphy is completing her third year of studies toward a BFA in Studio Art at Indiana University-Henry Radford School of Fine Arts. She has just been awarded an LQAF Visual Art Scholarship for 2013/14 making her a four time recipient. Congrats Sarah!